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Alphabeats: The Revolutionary EEG Headband That Tunes Your Brain for Optimal Performance

A groundbreaking company is offering a new way to boost focus and performance by combining music with brainwave training. The device, called Alphabeats, utilizes an electroencephalogram (EEG) headband paired with your favorite music and a mobile app to help train your brain to achieve its optimal state of focus or relaxation.

Geared towards professional athletes or highly driven individuals, Alphabeats recently received a CES 2023 Innovation award and is currently available for pre-order. The current price of $499 includes a year's subscription to the service, with the price set to increase to $689 after the promotional period ends. It remains unclear how much the subscription will cost after the first year.

The technology works by reading brainwave activity from the EEG headband while you listen to your chosen music through headphones. Alphabeats uses an app to provide real-time data on your brainwave patterns, allowing you to train your brain for peak performance in your chosen activity. The app offers different training sessions ranging from eight-minute focus boosts to 12-minute recovery sessions.

The main focus of Alphabeats is on athletes and sports enthusiasts, offering an innovative way to increase personal performance similar to investing in top-quality sports equipment. This isn't the first wearable device to use EEG technology and brainwave activity, with other products like Muse headbands and Kokoon headphones providing similar functions.

Alphabeats has been around for some time, initially focusing on using the app to leverage music for relaxation by tracking heart rate variability and breathing rate. Now, with its shift to EEG technology, Alphabeats works in partnership with BrainBit, which supplies the headband for use with the app.

The Alphabeats headband and app can be pre-ordered for $499, but availability is limited to the U.S., and the special offer ends on May 19. After this date, the price will rise. The app can be downloaded for iOS and Android phones running Android 13 or later.

With Alphabeats, users can train their brains for optimal performance, whether they're striving to focus better, relax more effectively, or enhance their overall athletic abilities. The combination of music and brainwave monitoring promises a new way to tune your mind for success.