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Xiaomi reveals CyberOne, a $104,000 humanoid robot that can recognize 45 emotions, weeks before Tesla's Optimus bot.

From "Ex Machina" to "I, Robot," humanoid robots have been a staple of science fiction blockbusters for quite some time.

Real-world use of robots designed to appear and behave like humans is on the rise, and the most recent example is among the most impressive of its kind.

CyberOne is the first humanoid robot to be unveiled by Chinese tech company Xiaomi. It's going to set you back $104,000.

CyberOne can move about like a human being since it has arms and legs. In addition, the android has artificial intelligence, (AI) technology, that allows it to recognize and respond to 45 different human emotions.

Optimus, Tesla's highly anticipated humanoid robot, was unveiled just one month before it went on sale. In Beijing last week, during a Xiaomi event, CyberOne made its first public debut in front of an audience. "With AI at its heart and a full-size humanoid frame as its vessel, this is an exploration of the potential for Xiaomi's future technology ecosystem and a new breakthrough for the firm," stated Lei Jun, Founder, Chairman, and CEO of Xiaomi Group.

The robot has a height of 5 feet, 9 inches, a weight of 114 pounds, and an arms reach of 66 inches (168cm). On the night of the event, it was spotted staggering about the stage.

According to a statement released by the company, "CyberOne supports up to 21 degrees of freedom in motion and achieves a real-time reaction speed of 0.5ms for each degree of freedom." This implies it can perfectly mimic human motion.

CyberOne's artificial intelligence interaction algorithm grants it the ability to comprehend three-dimensional space and identify individuals by their actions, attitudes, and gestures.

According to Xiaomi, the bot can identify 45 distinct human emotions and 85 different environmental noises.