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Streaming Services Face a Backlash as Password-Sharing Crackdown Backfires

The world of streaming services is undergoing a seismic shift, and not necessarily in the direction that industry giants had hoped for. A recent survey conducted by Bitcentral's ViewNexa has unveiled a growing discontent among subscribers of major streaming platforms, leading to a potential opening for new players in the direct-to-consumer (DTC) streaming market.

According to the survey, a significant 46% of viewers have expressed feelings of being underserved by the content offered on major streaming platforms. What's more, a noteworthy 19% of respondents believe they could find better value elsewhere. These findings are indicative of a shifting landscape where subscribers are becoming increasingly discerning and expectant of tailored content experiences.

Released on September 27, the survey report, titled 'How to follow the audience: the challenges and opportunities in today's streaming market,' highlights an intriguing prospect for new content services. There is a clear opening for DTC apps to address the voids left by major streaming services, catering to the specific needs and preferences of viewers. This opens up exciting possibilities for innovative players looking to disrupt the status quo and win over disillusioned subscribers.

One particularly interesting revelation from the report is the untapped potential to monetize older viewer segments through advertising. Less than half of older viewers expressed satisfaction with their paid video subscriptions, signaling an opportunity to enhance revenue through ad-based models.

What's fascinating is that Baby Boomers, in particular, exhibited a higher tolerance for advertising. A remarkable 44% of them indicated their willingness to endure three ad breaks an hour, compared to just 32% of millennials. This finding underscores the changing dynamics of viewer preferences and suggests that advertising could play a significant role in monetizing streaming content, especially among older demographics.

The recent survey by Bitcentral's ViewNexa paints a picture of growing discontent among streaming service subscribers, posing challenges for industry leaders. However, it also opens doors for new contenders in the DTC streaming market to offer tailored content experiences. Moreover, the report's insight into the potential of advertising to monetize older viewer segments adds an interesting dimension to the streaming landscape.

As the streaming industry continues to evolve, it is clear that adaptability and innovation will be key for both established players and emerging disruptors. The battle for viewer loyalty and satisfaction is intensifying, and subscribers are becoming more discerning than ever before. The future of streaming promises to be dynamic, competitive, and full of opportunities for those willing to think outside the box.