TikTok is the UK's fastest-growing news source, polls indicate.

TikTok is the fastest-growing news source for adults in the UK, according to a survey of how people acquire their news. Ofcom, the UK's communications regulator, released a survey stating that 7 percent of UK consumers use the app as a news source.

The report provides further evidence of TikTok's prominence and rapid expansion in the online world. It also demonstrates how rapidly the app has become a primary source of both information and fun for its users. People born between 1997 and 2012 in the United States, for example, are projected to use TikTok or Instagram instead of Google Search and Maps to obtain basic information regarding eatery recommendations.

The site is just the sixth most popular among those aged 16 to 24 in the United Kingdom, despite its rapid rise as a news source (where 27 percent of that age group uses it). A smaller percentage of people use this than the BBC's website or app (29%), Twitter (35%), BBC One (36%), Facebook (40%), or Instagram (46%).

TIKTOK is growing more popular with teenagers, but it's still not as popular as just talking to your family.

Many more 12- to 15-year-olds rely on social media for their news. Among digital news outlets, Instagram (used by 29 percent of this demographic), YouTube, and TikTok are the most popular (both at 28 percent). However, for most teenagers, conversing with friends and watching TV are the most prominent forms of information consumption.

Because TikTok is infamous for disseminating misleading information, some individuals may be alarmed by this. TikTok, for example, was determined to be a primary method that "false narratives" regarding the Ukraine-Russia war were propagated recently in an examination of news. More than two-thirds of social media users don't trust social media sites for “accurate” news, according to Ofcom, a communications regulator.


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